so rememeber when i said i was gonna do one blog post per month? nothing happened in february so i just ended up putting it off, and now it's almost april with very little to report on.

i've been working on a couple other "scenes" of shaggy dog story. i had originally intended to finish them by the end of last week so i potentially could get them printed for an exhibition, but 1. that exhibition got pushed back to the summer, and 2. i vastly, vastly overestimated how fast i work lol. the plan was to get two other 4-5 page "scenes" finished and ALSO redo the original scene i posted back in late 2021 in actual print-size 300 DPI since i messed up and only did it in 100ish DPI originally, as well as adding an extra page based on feedback i had gotten. as of writing this post i have finished up to the lining stage of all 3 scenes, which adds up to about 15 pages total. colours, speech bubble refinement, and layouts still need to be done, and work is slow on account of looking for a day job and mediocre conditions at home fucking with my brain.

additionally, i had been hoping to work on a "what i read in 2022" post prompted by by good tumblr acquaintance sarah Cavar tagging me in eir quarterly book reccomendation posts, but for the aforementioned reasons above i have been slacking. i do have a list, but i would like to add my thoughts about each book as well since i do not read as much as em and i want my blog post to be a little more substantial than "here's a list of what i read".

i should be officially graduating with a BFA and minor in Work and Labour in a couple months??? i have no clue how this is actually supposed to work. i need to look at so many webpages to figure out what the fuck is going on and how i actually get my diploma. i have mixed feelings about graduation (namely the fact that i never thought i was actually going to live long enough to graduate when i first started this program) but i would 100% say that the best part of going to ~art school~ was working with my classmates and the fact that my yearmates who graduated before me still reach out to me for things like exhibitions and hangouts and work opportunities. covid fucked with a lot of my academic experiences and is the reason i'm graduating late in such a discombobulated fashion and i do not intend on going into grad school for at least a few years lmfao. that being said if anyone knows any cool canadian cartooning/comics grad school programs or residencies that you expect to still exist about 5 years from now, definitely hit me up on twitter or tumblr with links to those (bearing in mind i dont have anything like paypal or stripe or other online payment processors -- YET). i would love to study at the center for cartoon studies in vermont but i absolutely am not going to the united states for education on account of "too much money", but they seem cool.

that's all for now. gonna keep plugging away at job apps for mediocre part-time retail work and my medicore comics. i also have a blog post about the under-discussed aspects of how Online informs the characters in gray Folie's webcomic drop-out (and fresh meat to a lesser extent), maybe expect that as my april blog post. also i still need to reconfigure this website's directory. hopefully that happens before the summer. ok bye.