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these are links i think you should click

JUMP TO: internal use documents | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6

i have so many goddamn bookmarks, especially from making this website. not everything in this page is bookmarked, but it is stuff i wanna share or keep or both.

first and foremost, if you're wondering how to get started on neocities, i wrote a post about it on tumblr, and (jabroni mike voice) people tend to like it!

internal use documents

Internal Use Documents is a folder in my bookmarks full of websites (mostly neocities websites) that were not meant to be viewed by a wider audience, but are still readily available anyways. most of these sites were found via me hitting the "random" selection on neocities search without defining any search terms. there are a few sites in this folder that contain personal/sensitive information (up to and including people's home addresses or legal names attached to the school they go to), and those sites are not included. i am a nosy person, and some people don't realize that neocities websites are very public. this list is a reminder of that.

IF YOUR WEBSITE IS LISTED HERE AND YOU WOULD LIKE ME TO TAKE IT DOWN: please email me at oddmerit (at symbol) gmail (period) com with proof you own/are afilliated with the website, and i will do so promptly!

INTERNAL USE SUBSECTION: weather/atomosphere/environment/power tracking??

for some reason there are a lot of sites that look to be automatically updated with very technical-looking graphs documenting information gathered with very scientific-looking methods. they have a lot of graphs, update relatively frequently, and don't have a lot of context. i don't even know where some of these things are being collected from.

da internet

art-related stuff

shops or other stuff you need to spend money on