cw: discussions of suicide + Bad mental health (it's not as dire as you think, dont worry)
a little while ago on twitter i almost posted "if you start writing an extensive suicide note but then feel better afterwards, does that count as journalling?" i then realized that would probably be extremely concerning to the people who follow me and know me irl, especially those who know where (approximately) i live and could send the police to do a "mental wellness check", so instead i posted "hot theys have funny tweets in their back pockets that would get them institutionalized". one of the internet's many "recovery tips" stresses that ANY sort of suicide joke is detrimental to your mental health, and to replace them with self-aggrandizing jokes -- how does that account for the negative effects of repressing your suicidal emotions?
which is a lot of words to say, maybe journalling is what i need. i DO have a personal (discord) diary i keep sparsely, so i can keep plausible deniability about not putting EVERY single emotion and thought i have onto the internet. i'm also keenly aware of this page being hosted on the same website as my professional portfolio, only a subdirectory away, but i don't get enough professional attention yet to be too concerned about that.
hopefully not all entries will be this depressing! heres some other things i want to get set up on my personal site (as you can tell by the sidebar, lol):
- cross-link this NeoBlog with thoughts on the media i list in my "booklist" page
- ... whis means setting up the booklist, and finding a better term than "booklist" that isn't just as generic as "media" or "content" but also includes more than books
- setting up fanpages (which other people call "shrines"?) for the town of nowhere, a series that has owned my ass since late 2019/early 2020. i wonder what other fanpages i could make..?
- i considered uploading EVERY single page of my old sketchbooks to neocities but that would surely send me over the size limit and would take fucking FORever. maybe just a tton-dedicated sketchbook page a-la this frenrey fanpage (NSFW) that inspired me to learn html in the first place?
- get a little more into the Classic Geocities aesthetic and add more gifs, buttons, etc.